12 Things to Know Before Getting Ceramic Coating Installed on Your Car

Due to their capacity to preserve a car’s paint for a long period of time, ceramic coatings have grown in popularity in the automobile cleaning business. The ceramic coating is a liquid polymer that is painted on the surface of the automobile and hardens to produce a sturdy shield. There are a few crucial factors that you need to be aware of before having ceramic coating done on your automobile.

In this article, Owen’s Auto Detailing will cover the top 12 things you should consider before getting a ceramic coating installed on your car.


What is ceramic coating for cars?

A firm, long-lasting protective layer is created by applying the ceramic coating Richmond VA, a liquid polymer, to the car’s paint. It is made of silica, which is a main ingredient in glass and is also known as silicon dioxide.

Like paint protection film, the ceramic coatings form a chemical bond with the car’s surface, making it durable and resistant to scratches, UV rays, acid rain, and chemical contaminants.

Colonial Heights VA Ceramic Coating


Types of Ceramic Coating for Cars

There are two types of ceramic coatings for cars: nano ceramic coating and quartz ceramic coating.

Nano Ceramic Coating

Nano ceramic coating is a liquid polymer that is applied to the car’s paint to create a hydrophobic and oleophobic clear coat. This layer repels water and oil-based contaminants, making it easy to clean and maintain.

Quartz ceramic coating

Quartz ceramic coating is a liquid polymer that contains ceramic nanoparticles. It creates a thicker layer than nano ceramic coating, making it more durable and resistant to scratches. This durable ceramic coating gives your car the extra protection it needs while you are on the road.


Benefits of a Ceramic Coat for Cars

Ceramic coatings protect your car against UV rays, oxidation, and chemical contaminants.

It is a hydrophobic and oleophobic layer that repels water and oil-based contaminants.

Easy to clean and maintain

Long-lasting protection for up to five years or more

Retains the car’s value by preserving its original paint condition.

Cost of Ceramic Coating for Cars

The cost of professional ceramic coating services varies depending on the type of coating, the size of the car, and the detailing shop’s location. The average cost ranges from $1,000 to $2,500 for a full car coating. The cost may be higher or lower depending on the above factors.

Ceramic Coating vs. Waxing

Ceramic coating is different from waxing. Waxing is a process that involves applying a thin layer of wax to the car’s surface to create a protective layer. It lasts for a few weeks or months and requires frequent reapplication.

Ceramic coatings provide a permanent layer that lasts for years.

Ceramic Coating Application Process

The ceramic coating application process is meticulous and requires a skilled professional to ensure a flawless finish. The process involves the following steps:

Thoroughly washing and drying the car’s surface to remove any dirt, grime, or debris

Decontaminating the car’s surface by using a clay bar or iron remover to remove any embedded contaminants that cannot be removed through washing.

Polishing the car’s surface removes any swirl marks or scratches and creates a smooth and uniform surface for the coating to adhere to.

Applying the ceramic coating to the car’s surface using an applicator pad or spray gun, depending on the type of coating used.

Allowing the coating to cure for at least 24 hours before exposing it to water or any other elements.

How to Prepare Your Car for a Ceramic Coating

Before getting a ceramic coating installed on your car, it is essential to adequately prepare the surface to ensure optimal results. Here are some steps to follow:

Wash the car’s surface thoroughly to remove any dirt, grime, or debris.

Decontaminate the car’s surface using a clay bar or iron remover to remove any embedded contaminants that cannot be removed through washing.

Polish the car’s surface to remove any swirl marks or scratches and create a smooth and uniform surface for the coating to adhere to.


Ceramic coating maintenance

Maintaining your car’s ceramic coating is crucial to ensuring its longevity and effectiveness. Here are some tips for maintaining your ceramic coating:

Avoid washing your car for at least seven days after the coating application to allow it to cure properly.

Use a pH-neutral car shampoo and a microfiber wash mitt to wash your car gently.

Dry your car with a microfiber towel to avoid water spots.

Use a ceramic coating booster every six months to maintain the coating’s hydrophobic properties.

Avoid parking your car under trees or in direct sunlight to prevent tree sap, bird droppings, and other environmental contaminants from damaging the coating.

Common Mistakes to Avoid After Ceramic Coating Application

After getting a ceramic coating installed on your car, it is essential to avoid making some common mistakes that could damage the coating. Here are some things to avoid:

Washing the car too soon after the coating application can cause the coating to peel off.

Using abrasive or acidic cleaners on the car’s surface, which can damage the coating,

Applying wax or sealant over the coating can reduce its effectiveness.

Ceramic Coating Myths Debunked

There are several myths surrounding ceramic coatings for cars. Here are some of them, debunked:

Ceramic coating makes your car scratch-proof.

While the ceramic coating is highly resistant to scratches, it does not make your car scratch-proof.

Ceramic coating eliminates the need for washing.

While ceramic coating repels water and oil-based contaminants, it does not eliminate the need for regular washing.

Ceramic coating lasts forever.

While ceramic coating can last for up to five years or more with proper maintenance, it does not last forever.

Is ceramic coating worth it?

Whether or not a ceramic coating is worth it depends on your individual needs and preferences. Ceramic coating is a significant investment, but it offers long-lasting protection and easy maintenance.

If you are looking for a solution that will protect your car’s paint for years to come, the ceramic coating may be worth the investment.

How Long Does Ceramic Coating Last?

Ceramic coatings can last for up to five years or more with proper maintenance. However, the longevity of the coating depends on several factors, such as the type of coating, the environment in which the car is driven, and how well the coating is maintained.

Paint Protection Film Colonial Heights VA

Ceramic coating is an excellent investment for car owners who want to protect their car’s paint for years to come. Before getting a ceramic coating installed on your car, it is essential to do your research and choose a reputable service provider.

It is crucial to adequately prepare your car’s surface before the coating application and maintain the coating properly to ensure optimal results. By following these tips, you can enjoy the benefits of ceramic coating and keep your car looking new for years to come.

And by chance you want to avail other services like Window Tint, Paint correction, and Paint Protection Film, you can Contact us at Owen’s Auto Detailing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it take to apply ceramic coating?

The application process can take anywhere from several hours to a full day, depending on the size of the car and the type of coating used.

Can I apply the ceramic coating myself?

While it is possible to apply the ceramic coating yourself, it is not recommended. The application process is meticulous and requires a skilled professional auto detailing Richmond VA ensure optimal results.

Can the ceramic coating be removed?

Yes, a ceramic coating can be removed, but it requires professional help and can damage the car’s paint if not done correctly.

Can I wax my car after ceramic coating?

No, it is not recommended to wax your car after a ceramic coating. Wax can reduce the effectiveness of the coating and may even damage it.

How often should I apply the ceramic coating booster?

It is recommended to apply a ceramic coating booster every six months to maintain the coating’s hydrophobic properties.

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